Monday, June 8, 2020

Medicine attendance

Attendance from 23rd May to 8th June 2020.
Daily logs:
 23rd may : attented the case discussion of paraparesis- symmetrical bilateral lower limb weakness with sensory deficit. 
24th May :  Sunday read about paraparesis
25th May : collecting reports and monitoring of my unit patients. Read about reflexes.

26th May : collecting reports and monitoring of my unit patients. Read about stroke 

27th May : op day..

28th May : read about shock

29th May : case discussion about a male patient with sob, pedal edema since 1 week,  anuria since 3 days. Hfpef secondary to ? Hocm

30th May : case discussion about a patient with left gluteal abscess with cellulitis with intrinsic AKI .

31th May : Sunday.. monitoring  my unit patients.

1st June :  Monitoring patients. read about tingling , numbness , and burning sensation in both lower and upper limbs.

2nd June : holiday. Monitoring patients

3rd June : op day...

4th June : nephrology duty.. I did pleural tap.
5th June : nephrology duty.. I did ascitic tap.
6th June : nephrology duty.. monitoring patients.

7th June : Sunday

8th June : psychiatry posting -- opd cases - delirium, schizophrenia, depression.