Thursday, July 16, 2020


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.
A 60year old female resident of bollaram , farmer by occupation  came to the hospital with the chief complaints of Drooling of saliva with slurring of speech since 7 days . weakness in the left upper and lower limb with deviation of mouth to right side since  6 days.

 Patient  was apparently asymptomatic  4-5 years back , then she developed tingling and numbness sensation  Associatedw intermittent headache , neck pain, giddiness  for which she had been to a hosiptal  diagnosed with hypertension and was under medication (Tab ATEN 50mg od)
Suddenly she had deviation of mouth to right side with drooling of saliva. Associated with slurring of speech in the morning at 8:,00 am during breakfast   1 week back 
Then weakness of left upper limb since 6 days for which she tried lifting objects with left upper limb to regain her strength in that affected limb
Weakness of left lower limb since 4 days. Then after she was taken to nearby hospital where her BP was around 190/110 and CT scan was done showing an acute infarct in the right corona radiata and  treatment was given.
Inability to use her limbs which was sudden in onset  with progressive in nature. 
H/o pain in left hip joint and elbow joint.
No h/o trauma.
No h/o fever, diarrhoea, vomitings, cough, shortness of breath,  chestpain, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal adyspnea, 

No h/o involuntary movements, neck stiffness, wasting or thinning of muscles.

 K/c/o hypertension since 4-5 years and is on tab. ATEN 50mg.
No h/o diabetes mellitus, epilepsy , bronchial asthma, chronic heart and kidney diseases, tuberculosis, thyroid disorders.
No previous surgeries and blood transfusion.
Diet: mixed
Appetite: normal
Sleep: adequate
Bowel and bladder movements: regular.
No addictions.

No significant family history.

Not allergic to any known drugs.

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative.
Moderately built and moderately nourished.
No signs of pallor, icterus, cyanosis , clubbing, kilonychia, generalised lymphadenopathy, bilateral pedal edema.
Temperature: afebrile
Pulse rate: 80 beats per min
BP: 140/ 100 mm of hg
RR: 22 cycles per min.
Sp02 : 99% at room temperature
GRBS: 127 mg/dl.



- Higher mental functions: conscious and alert with slurred speech.

- Spinomotor :   no wasting/ thinning of muscles. No  pain, fatigue and fasciculations.

                              Right.                 Left.

Bulk :.                      Normal.          Normal
      Upper limb:.     Normal.          Decreased
      Lower limb:.     Normal.          Decreased
      Upper limb:.     4+/5.                2</5
      Lower limb:.     4+/5.                3/5  

-Motor system
   Superficial reflexes: normal
   Deep tendon reflexes: 
      Biceps:.             +.                      ++
      Triceps:.            +.                      ++
      Supinator:.         -.                       +
      Knee:.                 -.                       ++
      Ankle:.                -.                        +
      Plantar:.             Withdrawal.    Extensor

-Sensory system:     right.   Left
                   Fine touch +.        -
               Vibration.      +.      -
            Position sense +.      -
           Crude touch.      +.      +
       pain and temperature +.  +
-Cranial nerve examination:
     Vll:  Deviation of mouth to right side.
            Drooling of saliva present 
            Able to close eyes.
           frowning present on both sides on forehead 
    Others cranial nerves: normal.

-ANS: Able to feel bladder fullness, regular bladder movements. No sweating and palpitations.

- Meninges: no fever, headache, neck stiffness, nausea and vomitings.

Shape of abdomen: scaphoid
No tenderness and local rise of temperature.
No palpable masses.
Hernial orifices normal.
No free fluid and bruit.
Liver and spleen : not palpable.
Bowel sounds: normally heard.
Position of trachea: normal
No wheeze and dyspnea.
Bilateral air entry present.
Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.
No adventitious sounds.

S1 and S2 heard.
No murmurs.

-Based on above findings, the following investigations were sent.
Hb:11 gms
RBC: 3.8 million
platelets 1.7 lakhs
Smear:normocytic normochromic.

colour:light yellow
appearance: slightly turbid
albumin: trace
sugar: nil
pus cells: 2-3/HPF
Epithelial cells: 1-2 /HPF

Parasite F: negative
CT brain report:  Acute infarct in right corona radiata. MCA territory.

Acute infarct in right parietal and temporal lobe:MCA territory
serum creatinine 0.9 mg/ dl
sodium 142 mMol/ lit
potassium 3.9 mMol/lit
chloride 101 mMol /lit
RBS 134  mg/ dl
Blood urea 1.1 mg/ dl
serum uric acid 5.7 mg/ dl

Total bilirubin 0.9 mg/ dl
Direct bilirubin 0.1 mg/ dl
Indirect bilirubin 0.8 mg/ dl
ALP 88 IU/ L
Total proteins 6.2 gms/ dl
Albumin 3.2 gms/ dl
Globulin 3.0 gms/ dl
A/G ratio 1.0

HIV Negative
HBsAg negative
VDRL negative

PT : 18 Sec
APTT:34 sec
INR : 1.3 Sec
BT: 2 min
CT : 4 min
2d ECHO: normal

Carotid Doppler:  Proximal right ICA has a calcified plaque at the bulb, causing approx <20% occlusion with no significant stenosis.
Left ICA has small plaque causing no significant stenosis.

Xray pelvis with both hips: normal.

FLP:  Total cholesterol: 100
         Triglycerides: 83mg/dl
         Hdl cholesterol: 40 mg/dl
         Ldl cholesterol:  59 mg/dl
         Vldl : 16.6 mg/dl

 CVA - left side hemiparesis with acute infarct in right temporal and parietal lobe. With left UMN facial palsy involving MCA territory. 
K/c/o hypertension.

1) Tab. Aspirin 75 mg po/ od
2) Tab. Clopitab 75mg po/ od
3) Tab. Atorvastatin  20mg po h/s
4) Tab. Pregabalin 75mg h/s
5)  Inj. Optineuron 1amp in 500ml NS / IV / od
6)  Tab. Pan 40 mg po/ od
8) physiotherapy of left upper and lower limbs.



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